How Time Theft Steals Away More Than Just Time


Time theft is a common problem in the workplace and it leads to loss of productivity. Thankfully, now you can put a stop to time theft by the help of many time tracking devices available. You can try time to track device or timesheet to reduce time theft and increase productivity. You can also try an online timesheet free of cost on any website.

There are many ways time theft could lead to a loss in value and production of an organization. It could also cost a lot of money to the organization. But, advancement in technology has made things easier and more convenient.

What are the Different Ways to Steal Time?

Some people do not need an excuse for stealing time. They just do. For such kind of people, the time-tracking devices have become essential. These are just the kinds of people you would find difficult to track. There are many ways how time-theft is done without even getting noticed.

  • The most common form of time thieving is by taking long breaks. Lunch breaks are usually not included in clocking time. This is the time when the breaks could be extended. One can turn a 15-minute break into a long lunch. Another common problem is when employees take time to smoke outside. Moments are easily converted to minutes.
  • An emergency phone call could be regarding an emergency but not when the frequency is too much and duration is too long. This is a very common habit when employees take much time chatting outside on pretext of an emergency call. It is not always possible to track them for such things.
  • Social networking might be a boon for the majority, agreed. But, it is a curse for the workplace. How many times have you caught someone chatting online? This is a very common phenomenon and maximum time theft is due to this activity. Most offices ban the use of social networking websites in the workplace but due to lack of proper time-tracking devices, you cannot keep a track on employees. Online shopping websites, games and chatting websites are most commonly used by employees to waste time at the workplace.
  • Even with the introduction of swipe cards, there are chances of proxy attendance. In both the cases of paper timesheets and time-cards, there is every chance that someone else might be clocking in for a friend. You can prevent this by introducing online timesheets. You can easily get an online timesheet free of cost on any relevant website.
  • Napping or falling asleep while working is a very common sight in workplaces. This leads to a significant amount of time loss. Surveys and research have proved that it seriously hampers work and productivity.

People who steal time will always find a way to do so. But, using advanced methods can put a stop to this unhealthy practice. After all, for proper growth and development of any business, proper use of time is essential. Only when the time is utilized to the best, the success of an organization is ensured.

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