Steps to Properly Go From Theory to Thematic Analysis


One cannot learn and be an expert at coding in one night. It can take days, weeks, and even months of coding to acquire all qualitative data for the purpose of creating your program. You might have done some coding practices before, but keep in mind that the requirements for each visual representation and function of your software will require different coding structures.

Many software developers tend to hit a wall when they encounter an error in their code. After all the sleepless days and nights just looking at your computer screen while trying to dish out whatever there’s left in your brain, you ask yourself, “What’s the next step?” To move forward with your coding ventures, you might want to consider going back to the basics to collate and organize all thought and data so you can properly proceed once more to the creation of your fully-functional program.

Match Your Code With Your Theories

Even though some developers might think that it’s easier said than done, sometimes multiple pieces of data can become convoluted that you even confuse yourself. When you’ve hit a brick wall, now might be a good time to revisit your roots. In other words, you should go back to your theories that you originally had before you started coding for your software. Even veteran developers can easily get excited over the thought of completing their application with as little bugs as possible. However, there are some who tend to get too caught up in their enthusiasm that they forget or get lost in their framework.

Analyze Your Analysis

It does seem strange to analyze your analysis (and effectively do it to boot). However, take a few moments from typing away at your keyboard as you take a look at your framework. In doing so, you can group and regroup certain themes together to help you in identifying larger themes and pieces of code. In this step, it might even be helpful to match your theories with your themes once more, especially if you suddenly got lost in all of your code. As a result, you might even recode them once more to acquire higher levels of insights.

See the Differences

Comparing and contrasting your framework with other pieces of data to create a thematic analysis so that you can recognize and give details to the differences in the code that’s about to be the underlying structure that’s going to run your application. See how the codes converge and diverge from other elements, and also look at the current software language you’re using. When you look back to your themes, you can properly explain to yourself (and perhaps even to your clients) how the software works from the inside out.

Never Stop Asking Why

If you’ve ever met a toddler, chances are you’ve already experienced a child constantly asking you “Why?” Why is the sky blue? Why are the trees green? Why are some people short and others are tall? Why am I born in this world? Now, you might be wondering, “What does this have to do with coding?” Just like a curious 6-year old kid, you should think of multiple levels of Why that’ll help explain the level of qualitative focus you’re trying to deal with in creating your program. In that regard, you should also ask yourself “What” and “Who?” Specifically speaking, “What should be the experiences of the users,” and “Who are the people that are going to use my software?”

When you can’t get out of a coding rut or can’t break through that brick wall, you don’t have to panic. Seek the help of a custom software development company if you ever feel lost in your code.

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